The Spa Business Coach

Meet Erin

Founder & CEO of The Spa Business Coach. Erin is a Lead Strategy Coach who supports MedSpa and beauty business owners become financial literate in their businesses and implement systems to help your operations run smoothly.

Work With Me

  • A 6-month program consisting of group and 1:1 calls to support to help you master your business financials while growing your revenue. As a 1:1 client within Passion to Profits, we will build a personalized strategy approach to build a pathway forward that teaches you how to find and read the numbers in your business, and help you make decisions based off of the data collected. This approach is to that take your from where you are in your business to the CEO you’ve always wanted to be.

  • A 6-month group program with weekly live community Q&A coaching calls with Erin to ask questions, walk through challenges, and receive direction. These support you with the three key things you need to build your business, resources, tools and community. All of which are covered with access to Erin, access to our Telegram group and access to the Spa Business Academy members area.

  • "I would say this was one of the best investments I have made as a business owner...she is full of knowledge and so personable..."

    Margarita - Beyond Medical Aesthetics Co.

  • Working with Erin has been life changeing for me...on our clarity call alone she gave me the confidence and clarity I needed to take the leap of faith and start my practice...Erin cares about you as a person.


  • "Back in 2021 I lacked an understanding of the back end of my business.. I shared all of my hopes and dreams for Room One...she was completely aligned with what I needed to do to get my Luxury Spa to where I hoped it would be.

    Tessa - Room One

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